Course Information
Who can take the courses?
Approved Early Intervention Program (EIP) service coordinators
Qualified personnel as specified in Early Intervention Program (EIP) regulations (see Section 69- 4.1)—approved evaluators and/or service providers in the EIP
Municipal representatives responsible for local implementation and oversight of the EIP
Parents of children participating in the EIP
Professionals who are mandated referral sources as specified in EIP regulations (see Section 69-4.3)
Undergraduate and graduate students in the fields of early childhood education, special education, or other related areas of study
Daycare providers for children birth to 3 years old
Other interested individuals, as space permits.
Can parents participate?
Yes. Parents are invited to enroll and attend training sessions! Please help us to get the word out to parents about the opportunity to participate in these training sessions. Confidentiality provisions make it difficult for us to reach parents directly and we rely on service coordinators, providers and counties to provide this information to parents. You can assist us by passing the enrollment information along to families, or by making them aware of our phone number, e-mail and/or website address.
Training Options
What are my options for training?
The NYS EIP Online PD Center offers “self-paced” online courses at no cost to learners. Self-paced courses allow learners to proceed through a series of sequential modules that consist of video instruction, sample documents, learning activities, and checks for understanding (tests). Upon successful completion of all sections in a course, learners are immediately awarded a Certificate of Completion within the platform.
The NYS EIP Online PD Center uses TalentLMS to provide its online, self-paced courses. Once a learner creates an account for the online learning platform, they have access to all available courses.
How to Enroll
How do I enroll?
Go to, where you can either Sign Up (create an account) if you haven’t already done so or Log In (if you have already signed up/created an account for the portal).
Review this User Guide for detailed instructions on how to enroll in and complete our courses.
How to Resume Learning
If I log out of a course before completing it, how do I continue working on the course at a later time?
You can exit out of the self-paced course at any time and your progress will automatically be saved.
Talent LMS Technical Requirements
TalentLMS is compatible with all modern browsers including Firefox, Edge, Chrome, Safari, and Opera. It is also compatible with all browsers used by the latest mobile devices (i.e., iOS and Android).
When TalentLMS detects an older browser, the user is automatically prompted to update their browser to experience the platform in the best way possible.
To use the TalentLMS app you need an Android or iOS device. If you have one, the recommended devices for installing and running the TalentLMS app without complications are:
All devices that run iOS 9 +. Those are:
All mobile devices from iPhone 4s +
All iPads from iPad 2 +
All iPad mini devices
All iPod touch devices of the 5th generation and higher
All devices that run Android 5 +. The TalentLMS app can be installed but doesn’t run properly on Android 4.2+ devices.
Certificate of Completion
How do I obtain a Certificate of Completion for a Course?
In order to obtain a Certificate of Completion you must do the following:
In order to obtain a Certificate of Completion you must successfully complete the entire course.
Certificates of Completion will be automatically awarded within the online learning platform upon completion of a course, and available to download.
You must keep a copy of the Certificate of Completion in your files and, if you are an employee/contractor to an agency, you must also provide a copy of the certificate to your employer.
Participants who have successfully completed a course may log back into a course to review the material/resources; however, NYSEIPOPDC will not issue a second course completion certificate if the participant chooses to take the course over for a second time in its entirety. Additionally, the course will only be counted once towards the required professional development hours, as outlined in the New York State Department of Health Bureau of Early Intervention Provider Agreement.
Have a friend or colleague who might be interested? Download our flyer here (PDF)