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Measurement Inc. (MI) is committed to providing all learners with a safe and supportive learning

environment. Members of the learning community are expected to treat each other with respect.

Instructors, facilitators and other staff members are expected to teach and to demonstrate by example that all members of the community are entitled to respect.

Harassment of a student by another student or by a teacher or other staff member is a violation of MI policy. This includes (but is not limited to) harassment based on race, national origin, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, or disability. Punishable harassment is conduct, including verbal conduct, (1) that creates (or will certainly create) a hostile environment by substantially interfering with a student's educational benefits, opportunities, or performance, or with a student's physical or psychological well-being; or (2) that is threatening or seriously intimidating.

Sexual harassment is a form of harassment that also violates MI policy. Punishable sexual harassment is an unwelcome sexual advance or sexual conduct, including verbal conduct, (1) that is tied to a student's educational benefits, opportunities, or performance, or to a student's physical or psychological wellbeing; (2) that creates (or will certainly create) a hostile environment by substantially interfering with a student's educational benefits, opportunities, or performance, or with a student's physical or psychological well-being; or (3) that is threatening or seriously intimidating.

To prevent harassment in the first instance, staff members should teach why harassment is wrong and teach that tolerance and respect are essential to a free society. In response to an act of harassment, staff members should intervene immediately to stop the harassment and, if appropriate, should punish the harassment promptly, consistently, and proportionately to the seriousness of the act. But the response should not end there; rather, staff members should deter future harassment with continuing lessons of tolerance and respect.


Measurement Inc. (MI) is committed to equal opportunity for all students and all staff.

It is MI policy that no one shall be treated differently, separately, or have any action directly affecting him or her taken on the basis of race, religion, national origin, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability where a person is otherwise qualified or could be with reasonable accommodation.

The immediate remedy for any act of discrimination shall be to end it, treat the individual equally, and, as much as practically possible, to eradicate any effects of discrimination.


Measurement Incorporated (MI) will disclose, in advance of any learning event, any instructor’s proprietary interest in any product, instrument, device, service, or material to be discussed during the learning event, as well as the source of any third-party compensation related to the presentation. This policy applies to both MI employees and contractors. MI will reference instructor proprietary interests appropriately in instructional materials it publishes. If no such proprietary/financial interests exist, MI will publish a disclaimer in marketing or instructional materials. MI retains the right to review and approve branding associated with any proprietary interests. Instructor/instructor’s employer branding will be limited. Instructors do not promote the exclusive use of any commercial product in published instructional materials or during instruction. Instructors’ discussion of their proprietary interests during instruction is limited to relevant contexts and includes consideration of alternative products or companies that are comparable to the instructor’s. Immediately upon being assigned to present a learning event, an employee/instructor must disclose any existing proprietary interests relevant to the instructional assignment. Disclosure will be made to the immediate supervisor, the training coordinator, CTE and Human Resources. If an instructor acquires a proprietary interest after marketing materials have been produced and distributed for a learning event affected by this policy, the instructor shall provide and document written disclosure to learners at the beginning of the course. Such disclosure shall be documented in the record of the learning event. Examples of appropriate documentation include a written statement distributed at enrollment verification or at the start of a learning event, a statement included on one of the early slides in a slide presentation/online learning video/presentation. Proprietary content may be used to produce deliverables for MI, and MI will make no claim to proprietary interests disclosed in a timely manner. Prospective instructional contractors must disclose existing proprietary interests relevant to the instructional topics during contract negotiations. The proprietary interests must be listed in the contract prior to contract execution for MI to recognize them. Proprietary content may be used to produce contracted deliverables provided to MI, and MI will make no claim to proprietary interests disclosed in the contract. No MI instructor, whether employee or contractor, may present or assist in presenting a CEU learning event until all pertinent proprietary interests have been disclosed to MI and learners as provided in this policy. Failure to comply may be considered grounds for disciplinary action in the case of employees, or contractual remedy in the case of contractors.


Maintenance of Training Records

MI maintains the following training records for a minimum of seven (7) years:

  • Course description with learning outcomes and requirements for Certificate of Completion/CEU credit

  • Course scope and sequence (e.g. listing of modules and sections)

  • Course materials (e.g. instructional documents, resources, learning activities)

  • List of registered students with unique identifier (email address)

  • List of student completers with unique identifier (email address)


Learner Access to Training Records
Upon request, MI will provide any registered learner with the above listed training records.
Learners must verify their unique identified (email address) in order to confirm their identity. If
they do not have access to the email account used for registration, MI will require government
identification to confirm learner identification.


Process to Maintain Learner Privacy

  • MI maintains detailed records for all learners that participate in learning events with

  • Certificates of Completion/CEUs. Learner records are the property of MI and are considered confidential. Access to the information they contain is restricted to MI CTE staff and other staff who have a legitimate reason to review information.

  • MI will release learner information only directly to the learner directly following the learning event and at the learner’s request.

  • To protect learner privacy, MI will not release information to a third-party, even at the request of the learner.

  • Student records are made available to the learner using a unique identifier (registration email address) or identity verification via government-issued identification to ensure that only the learner has access to his/her information.

To Request Records

Please email from the email address used at registration with the

subject line “Request for Student Record” and include the following information:


  • Your name (as provided at registration)

  • The training records you require (see “Maintenance of Training Records,” above).

  • Name of course(s) and date(s) of registration/completion, if known.



New York State 

Early Intervention Program Online Professional Development Center

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